Monday 19 December 2011

My initial photographs

This is one of my favourite pictures I took because I like the pose and I like the choice of clothing my model is wearing. I think the mean and moody pose works best because I took this image as a smiling picture too and it didn't look as effective.

This is the image I want to use as my front cover image because I really like the original Pixie Lott image that I modelled this photograph on and it's a different pose that wouldn't always be associated with the front cover of a music magazine. With this image I can still use a lot of the conventions of a magazine front cover such as a left third, skyline and even a banner going across the page.

I like the pose in this image because she's holding both hands in a different position to each other. This is also similar to some of the images I've looked at to give me ideas on how to make my model pose.

This idea was taken from Pixie Lott's extended album cover but I'm not keen on my final design on this image and I don't think it would be a great front cover image.

I like this image but for me I didn't get the facial pose how I wanted it to be.

This image wasn't one of my original ideas but at one point I asked my model if she had any extra ideas and this is one of the images we took. I like the outfit and accessories she has on in this image and I also like the stance but I think the facial expressions is too smiley, I like the serious look.

This is a similar pose to my first image but in different clothing, I really like this pose and the change in clothing is a different variation I have to choose from.

This is the second main change in outfit i made. Even though this image is taken on the side she's still making eyes contact with the camera but I'm not sure I like the decision on this outfit as much as the other one.

This is another variation of the original Pixie Lott picture I liked. This is more like the original image because she's wearing the flowing dress but again I prefer the other outfit choice.

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