Sunday 29 January 2012

Photoshop CS5 - Changing Hair Colour - Tutorial

This is the video I used to learn how to change the colour of somebody’s hair on PhotoShop. Once I knew how to do this I experimented with different colours and shades until I found one that I thought looked good. In the end I decided on the dark blue.
This is how I chose the colour the new hair was going to be using the colour picker. I then selected a soft brush to paint over the original hair and I made sure it looked a similar/natural tone throughout by going over certain parts that were lighter.
I was then able to use the eraser tool and the cutting tool to make sure the colour was only on the hair and it wasn't on the rest of the background.
I hen used the hue/saturation tool to change the colour of the hair completely. I decided on this dark blue colour because I think the contrast with the skin colour looks very good and I think it looks more natural and suites her face more. It also matches the colours in the tie that she had on.

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