Wednesday 25 January 2012

New photos for my front cover

These are some of the new photographs I took to replace my old ones because of the bad quality of them. These look a lot better but some of them still went out of focus and therefore I won't be using them. I tried to recreate most of the poses I'd done before in the same way but i did come up with some new ideas and there are some that I haven't done because I wasn't that keen on them.

If I used this image I would have to do a bit of work on it to get rid of the bright blue bra straps and I have used this pose from my last photo shoot to recreate the work I had done.

This photo is very similar to the one I used on my first draft as she's wearing exactly the same clothes and is in the same position but I aren't happy with the facial expression on this image. I also think she looks slightly awkward but it is still modelled on the same Pixie Lott picture.

I really like this image. I think this is really nice. I like the clothing and the pose but I think she looks like she's starring into thin air a little bit too much. I prefer the mean and moody look to a smile of these images. I would like to use this image and I may create a front cover draft using this image to see what it would look like as well as the image I used last time.

This is a new image that I didn't take last time but when we were taking images Evie posed like this and I liked it. I think this image is slightly out of focus though, or at least it isn't as clear as some of the other images I've taken. The pose is lovely and I think she look slightly innocent because of the facial expression but with a rough edge because of the clothes she's wearing.

This is the extra accessory I used whilst taking the images but I don't think I'm as keen on this as the original clothing. I think there are some nicer images I can use.

These three images are the images I like aspects of and I think out of the three images I will be using the second or third for my final design. I like the facial expression on the first one but I think she looks very awkward and I think it ruins the image.

The images I don't use on my front cover can possibly be used on my contents page or even my double page spread depending on the concept I decide for these.

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