Sunday 29 January 2012

Photoshop CS5 - Changing Hair Colour - Tutorial

This is the video I used to learn how to change the colour of somebody’s hair on PhotoShop. Once I knew how to do this I experimented with different colours and shades until I found one that I thought looked good. In the end I decided on the dark blue.
This is how I chose the colour the new hair was going to be using the colour picker. I then selected a soft brush to paint over the original hair and I made sure it looked a similar/natural tone throughout by going over certain parts that were lighter.
I was then able to use the eraser tool and the cutting tool to make sure the colour was only on the hair and it wasn't on the rest of the background.
I hen used the hue/saturation tool to change the colour of the hair completely. I decided on this dark blue colour because I think the contrast with the skin colour looks very good and I think it looks more natural and suites her face more. It also matches the colours in the tie that she had on.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Photoshop tutorial - changing body size

This video teaches you how to make people look slimmer and also exaggerate the already existing curves they have. We had already been taught how to do this by the Media Technician Ray Hutty but I used this video to jog my memory and point me in the right direction.
I used the liquify tool which opened up into this area where I could make certain parts of her body (arms and legs) look slimmer. I also maximised her boobs to make her look more curvy.
From looking at images already in the media such as the image of Britney Spears below, I was able to decide on how to make her body more "acceptable" from a media perspective. I don't think I have pushed the boundaries too far but the image does look better and she looks more shapely.

Friday 27 January 2012

Tutorial Photoshop CS5 - Bright eyes

I decided I wanted to make Evie's eyes stand out more so I used this video to teach me how to do that.
This is where I set up the highlight tool which I then used to draw over the eyes to make them stand out more as the colour brightened up. It erased the skin tone colour over the eyes which had occurred when I created the porcelain skin effect. It is difficult to see the effect of this because her eyes were already very bright.

Photoshop CS5 tutorial - Smooth skin (Pimp My Face) Feature: Alicia Sil...

This is the most helpful video I have used. I really think it made a big difference to the original image and hopefully when my front cover is finished it will increase the quality of the image.
Firstly I used the spot healing tool to cover up the blemishes and moles that she had on her skin by putting the mouse over the mark on her skin and clicking the button down. This made the blemish blend into the colour of her skin to make it look clear.
I then went into filter at the top of the page, then down to blur and surface blur and this allowed me to blur the image slightly which makes the skin look a lot smoother.
After doing this a separate box appears and this allows you to manipulate the image more.
This process made the whole image look very blurry which is not the result I wanted. To fix this problem I had to select all of the skin and then reverse the selection so all of the clothing, background etc was selected instead. I then deleted the blur effect of these parts of the image which made it look sharp again. This meant that just the skin had the blur effect on it which made it look like porcelain, how I wanted it to look.

Thursday 26 January 2012

YouTube tutorials decision

Now I have taken the photographs again I will be able to maipulate them as I wanted to last time. Due to the bad quality of the image that wasn't possible but now it is. I am going to use YouTube videos on PhotoShop CS5 to learn how to use different tools on the programme that I can incorporate into my project.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

New photos for my front cover

These are some of the new photographs I took to replace my old ones because of the bad quality of them. These look a lot better but some of them still went out of focus and therefore I won't be using them. I tried to recreate most of the poses I'd done before in the same way but i did come up with some new ideas and there are some that I haven't done because I wasn't that keen on them.

If I used this image I would have to do a bit of work on it to get rid of the bright blue bra straps and I have used this pose from my last photo shoot to recreate the work I had done.

This photo is very similar to the one I used on my first draft as she's wearing exactly the same clothes and is in the same position but I aren't happy with the facial expression on this image. I also think she looks slightly awkward but it is still modelled on the same Pixie Lott picture.

I really like this image. I think this is really nice. I like the clothing and the pose but I think she looks like she's starring into thin air a little bit too much. I prefer the mean and moody look to a smile of these images. I would like to use this image and I may create a front cover draft using this image to see what it would look like as well as the image I used last time.

This is a new image that I didn't take last time but when we were taking images Evie posed like this and I liked it. I think this image is slightly out of focus though, or at least it isn't as clear as some of the other images I've taken. The pose is lovely and I think she look slightly innocent because of the facial expression but with a rough edge because of the clothes she's wearing.

This is the extra accessory I used whilst taking the images but I don't think I'm as keen on this as the original clothing. I think there are some nicer images I can use.

These three images are the images I like aspects of and I think out of the three images I will be using the second or third for my final design. I like the facial expression on the first one but I think she looks very awkward and I think it ruins the image.

The images I don't use on my front cover can possibly be used on my contents page or even my double page spread depending on the concept I decide for these.