Monday 20 February 2012

First draft of DPS text

The small town girl Scarlett Melody lets us into a few secrets about her recent success and what she has planned for the future.
Just one year after hitting the big time with her debut single ‘I Want You’ our Yorkshire sweetheart Scarlett Melody is due to release her debut album ‘The Way Forward’ and has recently landed herself an amazing gig presenting a new prime time Saturday night music quiz show ‘We Live Music’ or ‘WLM’ for short. When talking to Poparazzi last week she said ‘I can’t believe how fast everything is going. This time last year I was travelling around the country begging people to let me share my music and now I’m performing all over the world after being asked and getting great feedback. What else could I wish for?’
Melody found it hard growing up after years of bullying at school because of her size. The name calling and physical abuse got so bad the family made the decision to move out of the area when she was 15 years old. After this Melody became a new person and found it easier to lose the excess weight she needed to, to be happy. This is when she decided to pursue a career in the music industry because she now had the confidence she needed to be successful in the industry. ‘Music got me through all the hard times and I knew from a young age it was my calling in life’. Melody always had support from her family which made it a lot easier for her to succeed. At the age of 18 Melody was offered a record deal with Syco Music which she agreed to and has been flying high ever since her debut single was released.
Following her recent success, she plans to release tour dates for the end of this year to do a small theatre/academy tour before a big arena tour next year. She is very proud of how far she has come and she has even had the support from some big names in the industry such as Jay Z who said ‘she is a pleasure to watch, she works so hard and if she keeps this up who knows what she could do next!’. Fellow English singer Jessie J also praised her for the work she’s doing and said ’I need to start watching my back’.
The next few months are going to be a very busy time for the 19 year old but she is prepared to work hard and is really looking forward to the challenges ahead saying ‘it’s going to be difficult but I have a great team of people around me that are supportive of everything I do and really are my shoulder if I need them’.
She sounds like she has her head screwed on very tight and knows what she wants. From everyone here at Poparazzi we wish her luck and hope she achieves everything she wants to.

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