Friday 7 December 2012

Editing Ed Sheeran image

I decided that I wanted to use an image of Ed Sheeran on my front cover that I took when I went to see him at Hull Ice Arena in November 2012. These are the steps I took to get the image onto my front cover.

This is how my page looked when I first uploaded the image onto PhotoShop. Before I did anything with the picture I duplicated the image and then turned off the background image so that I was able to see when I had deleted the top layer. This is because when the background layer is switched off there is a grey squared background.

I then used the rectangular marquee tool to select the part of the image I wanted to. I then went into the "select" option at the top of the screen and selected the "inverse" option. This meant I would be able to delete the bit of the image that I didn't want and I would be left with the part that I did want.

Once I had pressed "delete" on the keyboard I then used the "invert" option again so that my image was the only thing selected. This allowed me to then copy and paste the image that was selected into the PhotShop window that was already open which was my front cover.

This is how the image appeared originally on my PhotoShop front cover. The aim of having this image on my cover is to entice readers but not use it as the main image. This meant the image had to be smaller and in the first third of the magazine cover.

To make the image smaller I went to the top of the screen into "edit", "transform" and then "scale" which allows you to make the image whatever size you want.

Looking at the image I didn't think the colours looked very good so I went into "image" at the top of the screen and the "adjustments" and this allowed me to change the settings in the image.

The levels of the image is one example of something I changed in the image. This made the image look darker in certain areas or the image and it enhanced brighter colours.

Overall I am very happy with the outcome of the Ed Sheeran image. I think I cut it in the right place, the colours look good and even though it is not the best image, the manipulation I have done on it and the size makes it look good.

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