Monday 20 February 2012

First draft of DPS text

The small town girl Scarlett Melody lets us into a few secrets about her recent success and what she has planned for the future.
Just one year after hitting the big time with her debut single ‘I Want You’ our Yorkshire sweetheart Scarlett Melody is due to release her debut album ‘The Way Forward’ and has recently landed herself an amazing gig presenting a new prime time Saturday night music quiz show ‘We Live Music’ or ‘WLM’ for short. When talking to Poparazzi last week she said ‘I can’t believe how fast everything is going. This time last year I was travelling around the country begging people to let me share my music and now I’m performing all over the world after being asked and getting great feedback. What else could I wish for?’
Melody found it hard growing up after years of bullying at school because of her size. The name calling and physical abuse got so bad the family made the decision to move out of the area when she was 15 years old. After this Melody became a new person and found it easier to lose the excess weight she needed to, to be happy. This is when she decided to pursue a career in the music industry because she now had the confidence she needed to be successful in the industry. ‘Music got me through all the hard times and I knew from a young age it was my calling in life’. Melody always had support from her family which made it a lot easier for her to succeed. At the age of 18 Melody was offered a record deal with Syco Music which she agreed to and has been flying high ever since her debut single was released.
Following her recent success, she plans to release tour dates for the end of this year to do a small theatre/academy tour before a big arena tour next year. She is very proud of how far she has come and she has even had the support from some big names in the industry such as Jay Z who said ‘she is a pleasure to watch, she works so hard and if she keeps this up who knows what she could do next!’. Fellow English singer Jessie J also praised her for the work she’s doing and said ’I need to start watching my back’.
The next few months are going to be a very busy time for the 19 year old but she is prepared to work hard and is really looking forward to the challenges ahead saying ‘it’s going to be difficult but I have a great team of people around me that are supportive of everything I do and really are my shoulder if I need them’.
She sounds like she has her head screwed on very tight and knows what she wants. From everyone here at Poparazzi we wish her luck and hope she achieves everything she wants to.

Friday 17 February 2012

First draft of double page spread

This is a terrible attempt at a first draft for the double page spread but I hit a few problems that I didn't have time to solve. I now know how I went wrong and I know how I can fix the problems. I can now learn from this and produce a second draft of my double page spread that is a lot better.

First draft of contents page

This is the first draft of my contents page and as you can see from my mock up from the preliminary task my ideas have changed. I have decided to go for a more "grown up" approach to the contents page and make it more like that of NME but to relate to the pop genre there are still pop pictures and large images so that there isn't much writing. I think this is going alright but I think I need to re-think the layout of this design.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Price of my magazine

On my first draft of the front cover I made the price of my magazine £2.99 but after doing more research I have discovered that most weekly magazines aren't any more than £2.50. NME has a price of £2.40 and Kerrang has a price of £2.20 so I have decided to price my magazine at £2.10 because it has a younger audience to these two magazines, it needs to be more affordable but it still follows the pricing norms.

Second draft of front cover

I am a lot happier with this front cover than my first one but there are still things I can change on it. After looking back at examples of front covers and discussing with other people, I realised i have used the same type face for the whole front cover so I need to change that. The masthead usually has it's own type face so that it stands out against the rest of the front cover. I am happy with the type face for my mast head so I will change the rest of the fonts. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Original double page spread design

The aim of my double page spread is for me to have a picture of my artist laying down on her side or on her stomach looking very "normal" without much makeup and dressed very feminine. I want this to be the way she would usually look as an every day girl and then have a few images front the photo shoot I did for my front cover down the side almost like her alter ego. I want the article at the bottom of the page to be very natural, possibly in interview form to that my artist can explain her new fame but what she's really like and her views on life.

Monday 13 February 2012

Double page spread images

When I was taking the images for my double page spread I had an idea in my head that I wasn't sure how to produce. For this reason I'm not sure I'm completely happy with the outcomes but after I have created my first draft I could possibly take some more images until I'm happy with the finished product.

The first few images aren't long shots as they don't include the whole body. For this reason I will not want to be using any of them although in my opinion they're some of the best images.

I think this is my favourite image of the ones in this position but it's too dark to use and her whole body is not in the image.

I like the position of this image but the photo is very out of focus and her whole body isn't in the image.

This is a potential double page spread image. I really like this one although it isn't like the idea I have in my head but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I found the images I took on the chair didn't work out like I'd wanted them to. I thought they would look a lot different and I found it really difficult to make the photos like I wanted them to be.


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Double page spread photo ideas

I like the way Pixie Lott is sitting in this image and I think with manipulation this could be a good image to recreate.

This is a good image if I wanted to use a chair in my image which could be an option so that there was more going on on the page. It's definitely something I can think about doing.

This is a really lovely image and ideally the kind of image I would be wanting to take. I like the floral theme and this is something I'd thought i could do in my image. The only change I would make to this image is the direction my artist will be laying. I would want her legs to go out to the right of her.

This image is very interesting and similar to the one above. This is also very much like an image I have in my head that I would like to take.

This image is lovely and very similar to the one I would like to take. The only difference is how she's holding her head on her arms but this is another pose I can consider.

I like the fact Beyonce is laying down in this image but I would like a long shot image of the whole body rather than a medium shot like this one.

This is a very nice image, I like the fact that it is black and white and this is something I could consider for my double page spread image. I would have to have the end of her leg in my image though as I want it to be a long shot.

This is a very interesting image and it would be cool if I could recreate this. I like the clothes she's wearing and I think it is very unique.

This is a very colourful image and I really like it. This is something I wouldn't think of doing. It suits this star but I'm not sure it would be appropriate for my artist because I don't think she would be as quirky as this.

I like the idea of using a chair in my double page spread image although I don't think an image like this would work because it isn't a long shot. I would like my image to be place on the page like she's sat on a background and a MCU like this would not work. I can use this as an idea though and create a long shot.

These are some of the images I modelled my double page spread photo shoot on.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Photoshop Tutorial Skin Tone - Creating a Tan


Above is the video I watched on YouTube to help me when I was trying to create a tan on Evie. I found this video to be very useful.

This is how I selected the skin using the quick selection tool like it showed me on the tutorial. I was then able to use colour balance to create a natural skin colour. The curve tool was a very good way of making sure the new skin colour looked balanced and natural too. I also used the brush tool to make the new tan blend in with the hair so mt changes to the original image weren't obvious.