Thursday 27 October 2011

Character profile of my model (prelim)

India Whiteley
Born July 1995 (aged 16)

India is one of my friends that I went to Kelvin Hall School with so I have known her for 5 years. We are in the same Media class here at Wyke so when completing the preliminary task we decided to be each others models which made the task easier and meant we could focus more on the production rather than finding someone to photograph.
India not only studies Media Studies at Wyke but she also studies Travel and Tourism, Business and Sociology. She doesn't know what she wants to do after college yet.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Sunday 16 October 2011

Music magazine front cover and LIIAR analysis

Language – the main text on the front cover of this magazine is very big and very bold. The text is a sans serif font which means it is block text and will be arial. The masthead and the main headline are done in a similar size but they are different colours. This is to make them stand out against the rest of the cover. The subtitle is done in the same colour as its headline to show they’re part of the same thing but it’s smaller to show that this is what the main headline is about. The majority of the stories are in the left third and the main image is slightly off centre so it’s clearer and doesn’t have as many words on top of it. A competition is put into a red flash which makes it stand out against the background which is Dave Grohl’s skin. The skyline on this magazine cover also contains a screamer which will entice the audience more.

Ideology – the idea of NME is to encourage different music and allow people not to follow the crowd and be proud of their individual music tastes. It’s all about new music and new ideas.

Institution – NME is published by IPC Media. Originally NME was published as a non-glossy tabloid publication but it then became a music magazine in the 1980s. In 1996 NME started being published on the internet which now has 5 million users every month.

Audience – the target audience for the NME is men between the ages of 17 and 30. This doesn’t just mean it sells to those people though as 73% men buy this magazine and 27% women buy it. The average age of the consumer is 25 years old.

Representation – in the main image of this magazine front cover we see Dave Grohl grimacing in a close up of his face. A close up will’ve been used so we can clearly see the feelings in his facial expression. The main feature headline which says ‘I’m not dead’ and the fact that Dave Grohl is angry about these internet rumours explains his facial expression. His eyes are starring right into the camera to create a bond with the audience and his eyes are looking sad and upset in the image. His nostrils are also flared which is another sign of somebody being annoyed.

College magazine front cover and LIIAR analysis

Language – the colour scheme of this magazine is lime green, white, black and pink with the main colour being the lime green. The masthead and the main headlines are all in the lime green and the subtitles are in white. These are all against the black background which makes them stand out. On this magazine front cover there is a splash in pink which makes it stand out and draw attention to itself. The font of the writing is a sans serif font which is usually arial. There is also an advert on this front cover which is related to the magazines target audience.

Ideology – this magazine front cover is advertising and encouraging how great it is to have an education and how beneficial it will be in life. It’s also saying that it’s the right thing to do.

Institution – college lifestyle magazine is a company based in the Caribbean who produce printed copies of college lifestyle magazine four times a year to people living in the Caribbean, USA and Canada. It’s available to the rest of the world on their website They produce the magazine in spring, summer, autumn and winter and they distribute it to shops, newsstands, service stations, etc and sell it for US$ 4.95 per copy.

Audience – upwardly mobile Gen-Y youth who are wanting to go to college, are currently attending college or who have recently graduated college. They sell 60,000 – 70,000 copies per edition.

Representation – the image on this college magazine front cover is a medium shot of a man with law text books in his hand. He is looking into the camera to make a connection with the audience and he is also smiling which is also showing college is a positive thing. He’s dressed well which shows or indicates people who go to college are ‘cool’ and can afford to look nice and keep up with the fashions.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Magazine front cover terms and conventions

Masthead title piece - the magazine's title. Usually displayed in the top left corner. Price - magazine cost.
Date - weekly: usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.
Issue number - a tally of magazines.
Bar code - read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Teaser/cover line - one word/phrase acts as an attention grabber.
Main feature: Headline - a phrase that may summarise the main point of the main feature. In large print, different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.
Subtitle - smaller headline that may summarise the feature.
Smaller feature - features included in the magazine.
Images - size: CU to medium CU. Ranges from one main image to x amount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page look more interesting. It can add understanding of a story and/or entice someone to read the magazine.
Font - style, size and type face.
Colour - specific/stylistic/thematic types.
Graphics - graphical shapes to highlight features
Offers/adverts blurb - banner style shape featuring free products/promotions.
Left third - where the main title is.
Sell lines - the brand identity. How to sell the brand.
Splash - a small graphic.
Credit - who took the main photograph.
Kicker - leads us into the teller. A statement eg. 'naked in a corn field'
Teller - tells us underneath what the kicker is all about.
Skyline - used above the masthead.
Flash - a small graphic.
Graphology - the art of using graphics.
Anchorage - explains the concept of a photo.
Vocabulary - the types of vocab used and its effects.
Screamers - a headline you'd verbally shout.
Images - main images and small images used to explain what the text is saying.