Thursday 24 November 2011

VIBE LIIAR analysis

Language – this is a very simple looking front cover for the music magazine. It has a very basic colour scheme of pink, white black and blue which work very well for this cover. As the main background is blue a white masthead is used so it stands out. The font is a san serif font as it is a main convention. White is also used as the predominant text colour for the other headlines on the blue background but pink and black are used on the white background so we can see the headlines. The main image (Nicki Minaj) is dressed in three of the four colours so she’s relevant to the rest of the cover. This front cover does not typically follow all of the usual conventions of a magazine front cover as the text isn’t all in the left third and there aren’t any flashes, smaller images, etc.

Ideology – the ideology of this magazine is for new and alternative music to be portrayed to the public along with American Billboard chart music. They want the music scene to be "fresh".

Institution  Vibe was launched in 1993 by Quincy Jones in NYC and was partnered with Time Warner Inc. In 1996 Miller bought Vibe and they owned the magazine until The Wicks Group of Companies bought it in 2006. On 30th June 2009 Vibe shut down although a private equity fund called InterMedia Partners bought the magazine and are now working on a new brand.

Audience – the audience for this magazine are young people from teenagers up until their early thirties. The audience is predominantly females although males are targeted at too.

Representation – this front cover represents women in a strong and powerful way. Nicki Minaj (the woman on the front cover) is seen as somebody who stands up for what she believes in and is a headstrong woman. Her pose emphasises this view as she’s stood with her hands on her hips which could be seen as a arrogance and her legs been apart also adds to the attitude along with her tongue sticking out. The images at the bottom of the magazine cover though could create an innocent feeling about the cover as it is an array of small animations.

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