Wednesday 9 November 2011


My magazine cover uses quite a few conventions of a real media product in the form of a bright bold masthead and the sell line underneath this. Yellow is a popular colour in media to create titles and it also works well with most other colours. I’ve also used the left third very well by putting all of the headlines there and the main headline is bigger than the others which attract attention to it above the rest of the stories. The bar code is in the bottom right of the image which is also another regular place to put it along with the price, date and issue number above it. I’ve also used a splash which is a small animation which is generally also put in the right third. The image is a large image which fills the whole page. She is looking straight into the camera which creates a connection with the audience straight away and also allows us to see the emotion in her eyes. I got the title of my magazine from the prezi which I created and I chose the one which I thought was the best. It’s a slight play on words in relation to the cover line as this is have your say.

The ideology behind my magazine front cover is to encourage people to be who they are at college, work hard but try to enjoy their  time while they’re there. The advice pages in the magazine are there to help people with their problems but also to encourage people to help others with the hard things they are having to deal with. It will also hopefully make people realise how lucky they are to have a great education and encourage them to use their knowledge wisely. Some stories will also be focused on subjects outside of the college which will also allow other opportunities.

My front cover represents college students in a very good light because the student I’ve used is very happy which is what you would want from a college student. Her smile lights up her whole face and she has a happy sparkle in her eye too which adds to the effect. Her cheeks have a healthy glow in them which also portrays the college very well and makes it seem like been at college has made her this way. She’s wearing nice clothes and doesn’t have a hood on her head which breaks the stereotype of teenagers been trouble makers and rude.

I think this can relate to both males and females although this cover could possibly relate more to females. If a male was used I think it would make the boys more likely to buy it.  I also think this could be a good place for teachers to give out information and help students anomalously if they need to but from this design I’m not sure they would do that. The sports pages in this magazine will attract a different audience to science pages or language pages. These different features will attract a more varied audience. To attract a good audience and allow for production costs I’ve made the magazine £1.00. This will be affordable for the students but there can also be a lot of advertisements in the magazine which will pay for extra production costs.

To create this image I had to learn how to use photo shop properly which made the experience longer and more difficult but by the end of the task I was using it very well and I was able to manipulate pictures quite professionally. Firstly I took my images and imported them onto the computer. I then cut out the image of my model and put it onto the new background I had. I blended the images together so they looked realistic and then added the other components to the image.

The feedback I’ve had on my cover is mainly positive about the colours used and the image I’ve taken. The size of the image has been positively commented on and so has the use of the yellow for the text. It’s also been said the smile on my models face is a nice representation of a college student.  The only issue with this is the back drop. I was told it could’ve been thought about slightly better but this is a lesson I can learn from.

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